Corporation Counsel Zachary W. Carter said, “In dismissing a lawsuit that sought to block this important environmental initiative, the Court recognized that the City’s determination to ban food service foam products was ‘a painstakingly studied decision’ and ‘was in no way rendered arbitrarily or capriciously.’ The Court has cleared the way for the City to begin its outreach to businesses so they are aware of and can prepare for the law’s specific requirements before any enforcement occurs.”
“This is a pivotal and long-overdue step to protect New York City from the unnecessary damage Styrofoam does to our streets, water, and people,” said Mark Chambers, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability.
“I am thrilled that the Courts have finally determined what many of us have known all along – Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is not recyclable” said Council Member Antonio Reynoso. “If we are going to reach our goal of zero waste to landfill by 2030, we must begin targeting materials like styrofoam that have no post-consumer application and I strongly support the Mayor’s decision to begin implementation of the ban quickly. I want to thank my Council colleagues and all the advocates who fought so hard to throw styrofoam onto the trash heap of history. I’m very much looking forward to a future in which EPS no longer contaminates our City’s waste stream, waterways, and environment.”
"I am thrilled that NYC can finally implement its styrofoam ban, without the Council having to pass new legislation," said Council Member Brad Lander, who introduced a bill to advance a styrofoam ban without having to wait for the decision of the courts. "Styrofoam is not recyclable, and it doesn't matter how many times that plastic and styrofoam industries claim otherwise. The fact is that styrofoam chokes our oceans, litters our streets and is ultimately sent to landfills where it will remain there, literally, forever. There are simple steps we can take as a city to do our part. This is one of them, and I'm grateful to Mayor de Blasio, Commissioner Garcia, and DSNY for sticking with this issue over the years and for moving forward with implementation as quickly as possible. I also want to give a huge shout out to Sanitation Chair, Council Member Antonio Reynoso, NRDC, NYPLI, Cafeteria Culture, NYC Environmental Justice Alliance, Citizens Campaign for the Environment and so many more tireless advocates and community leaders who have helped make this ban a reality in NYC.”
Council Member Costa Constantinides said: “At long last, New York City’s foam ban can take effect. The industry tried lobbying, and they tried litigation, but nothing they did could obscure the simple fact that polystyrene cannot be recycled in any practical way. Now the city can begin the process of rolling out the ban in a way that meets our sustainability goals while making the transition as easy as possible for our small businesses. I want to thank Mayor de Blasio and Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia for their perseverance in fighting to make New York one of the greenest cities in the nation.”
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